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How to store cigars without a humidor?

How to store cigars without a humidor?

You've received some cigars but don't have a humidor to store them? Want to know how to store cigars without a humidor?

Read on.

After having discussed in a previous article the ideal conditions for properly storing cigars, today we will focus on how to do so if you don't have a humidor.

Because, even though a casual smoker might see a humidor as unnecessary, the truth is that it's far from being a mere gadget! Considering the prices some cigars can fetch, the question of proper storage becomes important rather quickly.

To store cigars without a humidor, you can:

  1. Use resealable freezer bags
  2. Take a Tupperware container
  3. Dust off the old cooler

In the following sections, we will:

  • Summarize the reasons for not using a humidor
  • Provide a quick reminder of the ideal storage conditions
  • Explore emergency solutions
  • Offer a basic list of essential tips to follow

Without further ado, let's discuss why it might be useful to store cigars without a humidor.

Why would you want to store cigars without a humidor?

People may want to store cigars without using a humidor for various reasons. Here are the main ones:

  • Budget: A good cigar humidor can require a substantial investment, and some occasional smokers don't see the value in it.
  • Need: This ties into the previous point, as occasional smokers might not feel the necessity of a humidor given their consumption.
  • Travel: Business trips, vacations, or other obligations that take you away from your humidor for days or weeks necessitate the ability to store a cigar without a box.
  • Diversification: If a humidor is already occupied by other cigars, having an additional storage option to avoid mixing them can be helpful.

In any of these scenarios, if you have cigars on hand, you should make an effort to ensure their storage is as good as possible, whether you're an occasional smoker or an aficionado preparing to spend two months in the Maldives.

What are the ideal conditions for cigar storage?

cigar storage without a humidor

Before delving into the subject, let's briefly review the necessary conditions for optimal cigar storage. It's not very complicated; you just need to:

  • Avoid significant temperature fluctuations and stay around 20-21°C.
  • Maintain a stable relative humidity (usually between 65 and 72%).
  • Keep them away from open air and light.

As you can see, cigars thrive in stable environments with relatively high humidity levels, which is what a good cigar humidor provides (preferably made of cedar wood).

In the following lines, we'll discuss how to approach these conditions without using a humidor.

What solutions are there to store cigars without a humidor?

In short, the solution is improvisation. The priority is to "make do" with a way to store your cigars so that they don't dry out or, worse, develop mold.

To avoid these issues, you'll find some practical and cost-effective tips to implement.

NOTE: Keep in mind that nothing can replace a genuine wooden cigar humidor equipped with a hygrometer, especially if your goal is to age cigars over years. The solutions presented below should be considered temporary.

1. Freezer Bag

keeping cigars without a humidor

The most economical "improvised cigar humidor." Take a plastic resealable freezer bag and place a paper towel or a slightly damp sponge (new) inside.

Then, delicately place the cigars flat inside and store the bag in a cupboard away from light in a room with a consistent temperature.

Check the humidity of the towel or sponge at regular intervals to ensure your cigars don't dry out. Add a bit of water if needed.

2. Tupperware Container

Cigar Humidor tupperware

In reality, it doesn't matter which brand you use, as long as it's perfectly airtight. This is an ideal solution for traveling with cigars because the container is rigid enough to protect them while being compact.

Before placing your cigars inside, line the container's bottom with parchment paper to avoid direct contact with the plastic. If the container is transparent, it's best to cover it with aluminum foil to protect it from light. Otherwise, store it in the dark.

The moisture source can be a cloth, sponge, or paper towel. You can also use a small glass container (like a yogurt jar) and pour water into it. You can install a hygrometer to monitor humidity.

The monitoring requirements are the same: regularly check humidity (or water level) and top up if necessary.

3. Cooler

cigar storage Cooler

If you don't want or can't acquire a genuine cigar humidor, the best solution, aside from making one yourself, is to use a cooler. Yes, you read that correctly: a plastic cooler with a blue lid that keeps your ham and cheese sandwich cool at the beach.

It has several advantages:

  • It's lined and insulated.
  • It doesn't allow light to pass through.
  • It's spacious.
  • It's easy to find and affordable.

As for its "transformation" into a makeshift humidor, apply the same advice as for the Tupperware container. Cover the bottom to avoid direct contact, provide a humidity source, and use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels.

Cigar Humidor

A Few Additional Tips...

You've just learned some techniques for storing cigars under optimal conditions when you don't have a humidor on hand. As you can see, there's some flexibility when it comes to "improvising" a solution.

However, to further increase your chances of success, remember the following points:

  • Don't refrigerate your cigars (even if you've heard otherwise).
  • Use a dedicated humidifier for better humidity control.
  • Don't mix different cigars (improvise additional storage if necessary).

If you follow these points and use a cooler as a makeshift cigar humidor, you can consider storing them for several months.

Which solution have you chosen?

You are now equipped to store your cigars under the best possible conditions even if you don't have a cigar humidor.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, these techniques allow you to properly store your cigars in various situations.

Whether you're traveling, want to avoid mixing your cigars, or have received one for a special occasion and don't have a proper storage solution, these tips will help!

That said, for long-term aging of your cigars, a genuine cedarwood cigar humidor is unmatched.


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