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How Long Does a Cigar Last?

How Long Does a Cigar Last?

You may be wondering about the lifespan of a cigar, whether it can expire. How can you tell if you've exceeded the "date" or not?


There's no doubt that the following lines will interest you.


Cigar storage is a topic that raises many questions, and for good reason, there's nothing like lighting up a perfectly aged cigar, experiencing its complex flavor and perfect aroma.


Enthusiasts know this and do everything they can to keep their sticks as fresh as the day they were made, especially if they're premium cigars. Some cigars can cost a small fortune, and it would indeed be a shame to sacrifice them due to improper storage.


The lifespan of a cigar essentially depends on its quality and storage conditions, including its humidity and temperature, among other factors.


The answers are both simple and complex, and we will decipher them together.


In this article, we will explore:

  • Whether a cigar is a perishable item
  • How long a cigar can be stored
  • What makes cigars unfit for smoking (humidity)
  • And much more...

Let's start by clarifying the question, "Can a cigar expire?"

Can a cigar expire?

How long can you store a cigar?

There are two answers to this question that can be summarized as follows:

  • Can cigars expire? No.
  • Can cigars degrade? Yes.


To clarify, cigars are not perishable in the literal sense like fruits or vegetables. They don't have a "use by" date that could jeopardize the consumer's health. However, if they are not stored in ideal conditions, they can turn, dry out, or even become moldy.


Quality cigars remain fresh, or at least smokable, indefinitely if stored correctly. Moreover, cigars can be aged like wine, and their flavors can improve, intensify, mellow, or even dissipate.

The taste can be appreciated in various ways:

In some cases, strong cigars that have been aged may lose some of their intensity, while a bitter or harsh-tasting cigar can significantly mellow.

But they can also degrade:

On the other hand, cigars with a hay-like smell or taste are usually the result of improper humidity and are considered unfit for consumption.


How long can you store cigars?

The potential storage time of a cigar depends on several factors, such as the storage environment. But more importantly, it depends on the quality of the cigar itself. All brands and tobaccos have their own characteristics, including how well they age.

Similar to wine, some people prefer the vibrant and fiery taste of young cigars, while others savor the refined elegance and subtleties that only a well-aged cigar can deliver.

Given this observation, if a cigar has good aging potential, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will enjoy it, so it's a factor that should be taken with some perspective. The best way to know is to try it.

Cigar Cutter


Do some cigars last longer than others?

Cigars are made from natural leaves from the tobacco plant. Like any other organic material, tobacco has a finite lifespan and eventually becomes inedible. However, it doesn't deteriorate as quickly as fruits and vegetables.

For example, Cuban cigars can last for years if stored under perfect conditions. Many smokers claim that it's after about five years that they begin to reveal their full character.

In an appropriate environment, a premium hand-rolled cigar from a well-known brand can technically be stored indefinitely. Conversely, a cigar stored with variable and unsuitable humidity will begin to deteriorate in just a few days.


How long before a cigar expires without a humidor?

There are three cases to consider:

1/ A cigar can remain outside of a humidor for a few days before you notice a change in taste.

2/ If the cigar is in a tube, it can last up to 30 days without a humidifier.

3/ If your cigar isn't in a tube, you may notice a difference within three days.

So, it's better to make an effort on storage conditions, even if you have to improvise a makeshift humidor with a humidifier, rather than leaving your sticks unattended..


Can cigars be left wrapped in plastic sleeves?

expiry of a cigar

The sticks can be individually wrapped in plastic sleeves that protect them and make them easier to carry.

Plastic is porous and allows small amounts of air and moisture to enter, aging the cigar inside. It's better than leaving it in the open air, but without the help of a humidifier, a cigar wrapped in this way loses its properties in less than 30 days.


Why does a cigar become unsmokable?

cigar ageing

Now that you know you can age a cigar based on storage conditions, let's look at what can happen when it's poorly preserved.

The problems resulting from improper storage can be summarized in two cases that we will outline below.


Open air is too dry to store cigars

How to ruin a good cigar? The most common reason cigars get damaged is when they are stored for several days without a source of humidity. Controlled humidity is what keeps cigars in good health.


If you've purchased or received cigars in the past but didn't have an appropriate place to store them at that time, the good news is that you can rehumidify your cigars. Note that they will have lost some of their flavor because, as they dry out, the oils in the cigar lose their flavor, and it's those oils that impart taste.


The cigar humidor is too humid

The second most common cause is excessive humidity, which can damage cigars as much as dryness, if not more. Some cigar enthusiasts mistakenly believe that softer, or "spongy" cigars are fresher.

When cigars are stored at a humidity level between 65 and 72%, they generally have a certain firmness that yields slightly when you apply pressure between your fingers.

Excess humidity can also lead to mold, which can ruin your cigars and your entire cigar humidor.


Take care of your cigars!

As we've seen, cigars don't expire in the strict sense of the term. However, certain requirements must be met to preserve them for as long as possible. The optimal storage conditions are 70% humidity and 20°C (68°F).

Of course, there are external factors beyond our control, such as the seasons and climate, but it's essential to minimize environmental fluctuations as much as possible.

If you're already storing your cigars without a humidor, consider these alternatives to maintain a constant temperature and relative humidity to preserve their freshness.

For higher-quality storage, the solution is to invest in a cigar humidor, which will quickly become essential for storing a collection of cigars for years.

>> Find our cigar humidor models on our shop!


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