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How to season a humidor: how to do it right?

How to season a humidor: how to do it right?


If you have just bought a wooden humidor, you should always prepare it before using it. Indeed, you should never, ever store cigars in an unprepared humidor. The reason is that wood is a hygroscopic material. In other words, it has the ability to absorb moisture. So you see: if you store your cigars in your brand new humidor, it will definitely absorb all their moisture. You will then end up with dry, tasteless cigars that lack all their flavour. To avoid this, discover today how to prepare a wooden humidor so that it has the ideal humidity level to preserve your precious cigars.


How to prepare a humidor + How to season humidor

A small quality test to start with

Of course, the people who made your humidor have done everything possible to ensure that it is of the highest quality. However, as they say, you can never be too careful. To make sure that you have bought a quality humidor, here is a little test that you can perform in no time.

Place your humidor on a table and open it partially while keeping the lid in your hands. Then let go of the lid and listen carefully to the sound it makes when it falls back. If it makes a "pfff" sound just before it falls to the bottom of the humidor, then you can be reassured. This is proof that your humidor is airtight.

Cigar Humidor Cohiba

It should be noted that today, cigar humidors can be made of plexiglass or plastic. However, wooden humidors are still the most popular. This is mainly due to the fact that this material is much warmer and more noble. In addition, it makes cellars more aesthetically pleasing. And because it is hygroscopic, it can be well prepared so that it contributes effectively to the preservation of cigars.

Let's take a look at how to prepare your wooden humidor.


First step: calibrating your hygrometer

As a reminder, a hygrometer will allow you to measure the humidity of the air. It will therefore be essential for the preparation of your humidor. If it is not supplied with your humidor, you can always buy one on a website or in a cigar shop. You can choose between an analogue or a digital model. The former is nowadays the most widely used. However, for more precision, it is better to opt for the latter.

humidifiers for cigars

When you get your hygrometer, it will already be calibrated. However, to be sure that it will really give you accurate results, it is best to test and recalibrate it yourself. Here is how to do it:

The salt test

To carry out this test, you will need salt and distilled water. You will also need a bottle cap, a plastic bag with a seal and a tablespoon. If you have chosen an analogue hygrometer, you will also need a screwdriver.

Once you have all these items, take the salt and pour it into your spoon. Then pour the contents of the spoon into the bottle cap. When this is done, add distilled water. You will only need a few drops, as the aim is to obtain a rather viscous paste. Be careful not to add too much water! If you do, and the salt starts to dissolve, repeat the process until you get the right consistency. Now all you have to do is put the cap containing the mixture and the hygrometer into the plastic bag. After that, close the bag and leave it for 8 to 12 hours. During this time, the moisture will accumulate. After this time, you can check the hygrometer reading. If it shows 75%, it is because it has been correctly calibrated. Indeed, when a tablespoon of salt is mixed with a little water, the mixture should emit precisely 75% humidity. If this is not what your hygrometer indicates, you will have to adjust it. If it is an analogue hygrometer, you can adjust it by inserting your screwdriver into the slots on the back. Simply turn it until the dial shows 75%.

Calibration kits for hygrometers

It should be noted that to calibrate your hygrometer more easily, you can also use a calibration kit. These can be purchased on the Internet. The kit consists of small plastic bags that can be closed and are delivered with small packets of salt. In these, you will already have the exact amount of salt required to achieve 75% humidity in 24 hours. Thanks to these kits, you will no longer have to worry about the amount of salt and distilled water to mix. They will allow you to test your hygrometer and calibrate it, reducing the margin of error to a minimum.


Second step: the actual preparation of your humidor

Once your hygrometer has been properly calibrated, you can start preparing your humidor. To do this, you will need distilled water, a sponge, a plastic bag, and paper towels. You will also need a container. In addition to all this, keep the humidifier (supplied with your cellar) and your hygrometer handy.

The first thing to do is to pour distilled water into the container and soak your sponge. Make sure that the sponge is well soaked and then wring it out so that the water no longer drips. When this is the case, take the plastic bag and place it in your humidor. As soon as the bag is installed, place the sponge in it. The bag will actually serve to protect the wood.

When the sponge is in place, take your humidor. You will need to place it in the container where you previously poured distilled water. Wait until it is completely saturated before removing it and placing it on paper towels. Be careful! When you place it on the towels, turn it face down. You should leave it as is and wait 20-30 minutes for the excess distilled water to be removed.

After 30 minutes, place the humidifier and hygrometer in the cellar. Close the cellar and be patient. Do not touch it again. It must remain closed for 48 hours.

Note that if your humidor is equipped with wooden trays or dividers, you should also place these in the humidor before closing it. This way, they too will be properly prepared.


Calibrating a humidity meter on a humidor

Third step: final adjustments

Normally, after 48 hours, the sponge placed in the humidor will have dried completely. Therefore, open your humidor and remove the sponge. Also take out the humidor and put it in a container with distilled water. Proceed as described above. Make sure that the humidifier has been drained and put it back in the cellar before closing it. Do not open it until you have waited another 24 hours.

Be aware that if you check your hygrometer at this stage, it may read 80-85% humidity. If this is the case, don't worry, because this is quite normal during the preparation phase of a cellar. In fact, you should know that the humidity level will drop after the last 24 hours. At the end of the process, it should be between 70 and 74%.

If the humidity level is still above 74%, you only have to close your cellar and wait another 24 hours. Normally, after this time, the humidity should reach the right level.


The "wipedown" method

To prepare your humidor, note that you can also use the "wipedown" method. This will allow you to reduce the time needed for preparation. However, it should be pointed out that this method may entail risks, especially if it is not well mastered.

The procedure to follow :

If you choose to wipe down, simply take a sponge and soak it in distilled water. Soak it well and then wring it out to remove the excess water. You can then use the sponge to wipe down the entire interior of your cellar. Don't forget to remove the hygrometer and humidifier at this stage. All the interior surfaces of your cellar should be wiped down with the sponge.

Once you have finished, proceed in the same way with the dividers or trays. When you have finished, place them inside your cellar. Close the cellar and wait 24 hours. During this time, you can calibrate your hygrometer using the method explained above.

When wiping the inside of your cellar, make sure that no puddles form. If they do, wipe the surface again with a less waterlogged sponge. If puddles are left on the wood, this could result in warping. Ideally, only a very thin layer of water should be left on the surface of the wood. It will take just enough to darken the colour. If you use this method, be very careful, otherwise you will end up with a cellar with reduced performance.

After 24 hours, take your humidifier. Soak it in distilled water and then drain it as described above. Once it is ready, open your cellar and place it inside with your hygrometer. Close it and wait another 24 hours.

After these last few hours, the inside of the cellar should have dried out. When you check your hygrometer, it should read between 72 and 73% humidity. If this is not the case, close the cellar and wait a few more hours.

The risks of the "wipedown" method

As mentioned before, the risk of using this method is that you will end up with a less efficient humidor. If too much water is used during the wiping process, it will inevitably be absorbed by the wood. This will cause the wood to warp. In this case, your cellar may not be able to close properly. As a result, moisture will eventually leak out. In the long run, you will end up with dried out cigars, which you will surely not like.

Note that humidors made of Spanish cedar are the most likely to deform due to excessive water absorption. If yours is made of this wood, it is therefore recommended to avoid preparing it using the "wipedown" method. Of course, if you do this properly, your cellar will remain perfectly watertight and you will have saved at least 24 hours by using this method.


A few tips to follow to make your cellar preparation a success

When preparing your humidor, never use bottled water. The reason is that bottled water contains too many minerals. Using bottled water can cause deposits to form on the wood. If this happens, the deposits will prevent the wood from absorbing the water.

Also avoid using tap water. Tap water can contain bacteria that can cause fungus or mould to grow on the wood in your cellar. These could even form on your cigars. It is therefore best to always use distilled water.

Instead of distilled water, you can also use propylene glycol. This organic compound is known for its ability to stabilise moisture. If you use it, it will coat the wood in your cellar with natural enzymes. If the humidity exceeds 70%, these enzymes will absorb the excess water. If the humidity is below 70%, the enzymes will absorb the excess water and if the humidity is above 70%, they will produce water. Furthermore, propylene glycol will prevent mould from forming in the cellar. To be effective, however, you need to dose it in the right way. To do this, mix it with distilled water in a 50/50 ratio.

To prepare your humidor, avoid using a used sponge. It could have retained soap residues which, like mineral deposits, could damage the wood.

Good to know:

Once you have finished preparing your humidor, your cigars can be safely stored in it. Inside, they will retain their aroma and will not dry out, provided, of course, that you regularly fill the humidor. If you pay attention to this point, your cigars will be preserved for many years.

You should also be aware that in order for your humidor to do its job properly, you should always fill it. Ideally, it should be at least 2/3 full. The presence of cigars will influence its humidity, since they will also contribute to retaining moisture.

Today, some humidors can be equipped with a temperature control system. If yours is not, avoid placing it in a place that is too exposed to the sun. Choose a location where the temperature is stable and does not exceed 21°C.


Bonus: what is the best wood for a humidor?

Finally, don't forget that the efficiency of a humidor will largely depend on the wood used in its manufacture. It is the quality of the wood and especially its capacity to absorb water that will determine whether or not the humidor will be able to preserve the cigars well.

If you are wondering what is the best wood for a humidor, you should know that today, Spanish cedar is one of the most appreciated species for humidors. The reason is that it is one of the most efficient woods in terms of water retention. This type of wood will therefore release moisture much more slowly. In addition, it will give off an odour that has the ability to repel certain insects. However, in order for it to do its job properly, it must be properly prepared. This is something that you will now know how to do thanks to everything that has been said above.



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